It’s a Journey!

The Grace of GodDear Diary, they always talk about the grace, the grace, the grace! In this part of the world, greetings are replied by “the grace”. How are you? By grace, people respond. Adom nti. Because of the grace. I think I finally get it or am getting it. It is simply by grace and nothing else.

This week I lost a good friend and it hurts. It’s difficult to deal with and understand. But I get it that it is the grace of God that keeps us going, safe each day, our going and coming is all by grace. How else can we explain it? I can say I am very careful, I eat right, sleep enough, exercise, try not to speed etc. etc. etc., but let’s be honest are all our good deeds a guarantee that we will be here tomorrow? I think he did all the good things. He was a good guy. It all depends on the almighty God up there, so yes I get it now. It is only truly by the grace of the almighty God.

Africa really allows you to see these things in vivid colors. When a good friend is here one minute and is gone the next, and you are unable to comprehend it and ask yourself why? Why that should happen to a young healthy man / woman with wife or husband and children. Why?  The “what a shock” and “Gone too soon” obituaries make sense now.

When you are unable to find answers to your questions and are confused, somehow you slowly get to realize as the day turns to night and night to day. When the new dawn breaks, although it does not take the pain away it makes it a bit easier to bear and allows you to understand that you are not in control.

Someone else is, God is! You get to understand that each second, minute, hour and day is only by grace. Indeed we are all on a journey in a humongous bus/train, people join, and others get off at certain points. You might sit next to someone, talk to them, and become “buddies” but will never know when and where they get off. Destination unknown, but destination should be known. Everyone on this journey needs to know their destination. The time of arrival is unknown, but destination should definitely be known.

While on this journey, let us make the best out of it. Let’s cherish every moment, each other and know that each person has been placed in our lives for certain reason(s). We might not know why, but there is a reason and the almighty God knows why. Because, when the time comes for us to get off the bus/train, when our journey ends, it ends. And it feels like in Africa, it happens in a way that gives you the chills. Goodbye my dear friend, you’ve reached your destination. You could have stayed longer, said your goodbye in a better way, put certain things in place before leaving, but you did not know the time, so it’s okay! Goodbye, till we meet again! TIA, the hustle continues!