Coming Home Again!

Coming HomeDear Diary, It’s been a while, I miss you too! Ha, I have been busy as a bee. I can’t believe it is already a year since my first entry “am coming home” wow how time flies.

I took a trip to my other home to unwind.   My other home, here comes the synergy again, two parts of me greater than the whole of me. Very confusing life.

This morning, as I stood under the hot shower in Omaha NE, it hit me, I miss my GH. What is wrong with me? Something must be wrong, right? This feeling of not fully belonging anywhere. My friends here say I’ve changed, which I have, am very much aware of that, and don’t really fit it, but then others in GH don’t think I belong there either.

Not only did the weather get me sick, a few of the foods did too. My body has changed, my stomach has changed but my emotions are still battling to adjust or fit somewhere and the question is where?

One year in GH, face one done. Preparing to board the plane back to GH for face two.

Dear Diary, I think face one was for ADAPTATION, face two I will name KNOWING. I need to find a balance for my synergetic self. Do I want to get rid of one part of me NO, I want to learn to balance the two sides beautifully.

I believe I need to KNOW GH better. I need to discover Ghana. So face two, I will be taking time to know each region, the people, culture, beautiful tourist places, and appreciate this beautiful land that God gave me, that I have taken for granted for so long.

Dear Diary, as I write today, I don’t believe I have a home anymore. Home they say is where the heart is. My heart is at two places at the same time so….

But I will learn to have a home again, and will learn to make GH my home again, at least I will try. So as I board the plane again, I will again sing am coming home, am coming home, but Shhhhhh do not tell the world, because home is not really home.