TimeDear Diary, forgive me, it’s been a while. Wow, this month I realized that it’s been a year and a half since I packed up bag and came “home”. Time! Wow time moves whether we like it or not. Time changes, priorities change, people change and so do I!!

They say Rome was built in a day. I know that, and you know that, but what we don’t know is exactly how long it took to build the empire of Rome. Time is the only thing that knows the answer to that. Time it seems knows the answer for everything.  Ha! If time were to be human, Diary dear, just imagine how he/ she will be sitting somewhere, looking at us and laughing when we push and pull and fight and exhaust ourselves.

Time and patience go hand in hand. They are like the ying-yang twins. The things time can do! It built Rome right? It built a lot of other places and lives too, but it’s breaking and destroying things too. Except for in its destructive state, I believe it works with impatience.

This part of the world is teaching me patience, at least the fact that I need it in all areas of my life and daily living. However, there are times when I still want to live in the “western standards” where things are fast and efficient, but now I have learnt that patience is what built Rome. It was built with lots of care and patience. Dos and re-dos. Consistent maintenance when things break. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month and on, on they went, a step at a time and here was this beautiful place called Rome.

I am trying to build my Rome. Ha! Maybe I shouldn’t call it that, since Rome is ancient now. But, last time on listening to a TedX video, a small light bulb moment happened as it has done lately more often than not. I realized that I now live in the richest area, of the richest region of the richest continent in the world. Wow, so really the way I see it, I should be rich, except for I just now figured that out. Dumb! Dumb!! Dumb!!!

But now that I know, information is power, so I figured with my western education and where I live now, wow, I have started building my Rome and I don’t have a clue how beautiful it’s going to turn out, but it will be beautiful.  So Dear Diary, welcome to my clean slate and my Rome. I am the Porter.

Later Diary!



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