Over Education, Under Education


What am I blabbing about again? Well Diary dear. I just realized that too much western education coupled with too little tradition & custom knowledge are some of the factors that is causing the problems in not only my family but most families here.

So, everyone around me has a minimum of a first degree. I remember grandma always saying, go to school, study hard, and become Klake (Ewe), Krachi (Twi), Gentleman/Lady (English).  So, we did, and she will be so proud of us grandchildren wherever she is resting now. However, what she did not know is that same Klake and Krachi education will destroy us as well.

So much English language we are unable to read or write our own language. As for our children, mmm, only God can help them. You speak Ewe ad they reply with English. lol I should not be laughing but…

We do not know the traditions and customers of our land.  We have intermarried which is great because it brings us together. I am one of the intermarried ones, however we fail to learn and understand the traditions of each other’s tribe. The dos and don’ts.

We quote the law, without realizing that in this part of the world, tradition is more powerful.  Our customs has more power no matter how see it, and instead of trying to learn and understand it, we act as if, it is unimportant, until the day there is a marriage or death, then Wahala strikes. That is when you know you are home. Traditions come out of unmentionable places. Relatives you’ve never met show up. Its gets worse.  Ok, so in my case, my matrilineal grandparents are from a family of chiefs, and my patrilineal family are a family of linguists. Then we have inter-married so our in-laws are from several different tribes, so when wahala strikes, it strikes big, because every one’s tradition and custom needs to be adhered to, and if you are clueless about the traditions and customs, …

So, I am working hard at learning the traditions and cultures, at least have an idea about the WHY? Because “for the lack of knowledge my people perish” Hosea 4:6.

Dear diary, Hmmmm!  Let’s talk later. TIA!