Dear Diary,

My apologies!  I have neglected you and haven’t been here in a long while. 2017 has come and gone. 2018 is here and we thank God for mercy, grace and favour.

LOL, talking about God, he does have a sense of humour. I have said it time and again. God must have loads of fun.  GH Christians are funny without knowing it.

So, let me gist you! A few days ago, I received a visitor in my office. He acted like he knew me and had heard someone mention my name as he was coming up the stairs. He used the same tricks to get pass the receptionist, making her feel like he new me from Adam and went by my first name.

When he entered my office, he called me by my first name, got me all confused and wondering where I knew him from. Hey! Why do I not remember this man standing here who obviously knows me.

Upon asking him to have a seat, my other personality or avatar emerged. She is blunt and not that patient for small talks and too much niceness.   Avatar gets right to the point!

So, Avatar when straight out and said “Am sorry, but I don’t think I know you, who are you?”  Dude was taken off guard. I smiled within and said see I got you.    But it gets better. His response was

“Oh you don’t know me, but the HOLY SPIRIT asked me to come here and look for a job.”

OMG! He got me! One thing about GH is, you think you’ve heard it all and then BAM!

So, next thing I know, Avatar responds “OH CHRISTIANS!”  Dude raises his head and looks at me confused.  I then asked “for what position”?  His response was Sales. Smh, Avatar jumps in again, “DID THE HOLY SPIRIT NOT TELL YOU WE HAVE NO OPENINGS IN SALES?”  lol! OMG!

At that point, he makes the situation worse by adding “Oh madam, please just create something for me”

WOW! That took the cake. SMH!  

Avatar jumps in, “Am a practical Christian. I don’t create jobs or roles that do not exist.”

I nicely exited him out of my office. We have become so religious, we blaspheme without even know we have. Using the Holy Spirit’s name willy-nilly. God have mercy on us. Its been good chatting again diary, till next time, remember This is Africa #TIA!