Take the Fear Not pill

FearNotSermonDear Diary,

Time has been flying and so has my life it seems. Lately I have been asking myself this, “In the absence of fear, what will I not do”?

My bible gives me 365 days of “Fear nots” and yet I fear.  Fear of failure has stopped not just me but several others from achieving their goals. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen”. Boldness indeed has genius, magic and power in it, as said by Goethe or William H. Murray.

2019 brought loads of challenges. Mostly good ones.  The universe does conspire to make things happen for you, when fear is pushed to the back burner.

Cup the butterflies I said to myself. Put a tight lid on them. Don’t let them out.  Take one “fear not pill” per day and keep going.

I tried, the daily fear not pill, and not to sound orgasmic in anyway but Yes! Yes! Yes!  Diary, God came through. The universe came through. I’m singing,

You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try, try and try, try and try
You’ll succeed at last, mmh, yeah

  • Jimmy Cliff

Start something new, something you’ve been thinking about for a long while. DO IT!

JUST DO IT – Nike.

I am beginning to listen to all the above and thousands of sayings that I should have years ago.

Where your heart is, there is your treasure. When your heart of hearts wants something, God comes through.

I’ve noticed that I am slowly becoming the person I was created to be.  Listening to my guts more, taking more risks, and continuously evolving. Why not, Mae West said, You Only Live Once, but if done right, Once should be perfectly enough.

Dear diary, I’m out. I don’t know why this post, but hey, I felt like so I did.