Dear Diary,

Longest time! It’s not me oooo, it’s this GH life and Covid things.  I have been hiding from all things including chatting with you.  Hehehe. I do chat in my thoughts with you.  Miss you too. Abi you’ve been good right?

You want to know what I saw today? Traffic things. Sometimes the most beautiful things happen when we least expect them and in GH traffic too.

As I was driving to the Hills from my little corner village house, I see this troxi with a girl hailing down a car on the opposite side of the road.  As if to know it was him, he slowly navigates to park at the side of the road, knowing very well that it will take him forever to join the queue of what looks like hundreds of slowly moving vehicles with mean drivers, whose aim is to prevent every other driver from cutting in front of them.  Ha! Diary dear, it’s a jungle out here.

Ok, so getting back to the gist. Picture this. He parks, troxi parks, he steps out, troxi door opens and out she jumps, literally, jumps.  Shouting, happy shouts. Running, crossing the street, ignoring the fact that cars could hit her and send her to ICU. Just running, that would have looked amazing in and Indian movie slow motion. Hehehe.

Into his arms she went. Jumping. Dude had to break himself from falling with both of them. I guess that is how you fall into love.  Masks on for both of them, but forgetting the 2 feet apart rule, and all other Covid protocols. We all watched from our cars as these 2 defy the laws of survival, as if to say F**k this. Covid fatigue can be something. This is how we die for love.

She is laughing, hugging, touching his face, and he is touching hers. I thought we were not supposed to be touching. But hey, I saw love, and two people that obviously missed each other and were expressing it.  More hugs, and laughter from the pit of their bellies.

Covid things, this is how we spread it and die. Take care diary, be safe. Observe the protocols. Let’s keep alive until vaccines are found and we can hug and kiss and touch all we want, but until then, ….

This is GH! TIA!