Lemons and Lemonades, Cheetahs and Gazelles

Dear diary, question, why do we use the proverbial phrase “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” I know it is meant to encourage us, drive optimism etc. etc. but sweets, lemons are not that bad if you think about it. Sourness is a taste is it not? This morning I started asking myself how much lemonade I can make or would have to make.

So dear diary, this is my motivational speech for today, how much lemonade will you have to make? How much lemonade can you drink, before you stop, dump it, go get some oranges and make some F***king good orange juice?

As I was singing and drumming to some good music heading to the office this morning, in my own little world that sometimes I escape to, it dawned on me that I am not living my best life. I have been making lemonades for far too long.

Granted my lemonades are gooooood, could even be mistaken for orange juice. That is how good I have become at making lemonades, but does that mean I should not move to orange juice?

Dear diary, its time! Time to start the orange juicing process. Understand the orange from the core out and make some darn good orange juice.

Its very well known that Cheetahs are the fastest creatures on land, however the Gazelle, the favourite prey food of the Cheetah is almost as fast, so what do you do when you have to catch up and overtake and take over, to enjoy your dream food, you take the Cheetah approach.

Despite their ability to sprint and move like the wind, they can only do so for short distances about 270 meters so they have to rely on element of surprise, sneakiness, getting close enough to…

So dear diary, instead of constantly making lemonades, begin to Cheetah-lize yourself. Strategy change is the key and enough of the lemonades, now I want the good stuff. I, dear diary would like some Orange Juice, please and thank you.

#TIA later diary.

Anonymous rooting cheerleaders

Dear Diary,

I have always rooted for him. For years now I have watched him grow his business from a small kiosk selling water to two kiosks, selling water and every other thing under the sun.

I got interested when I found out that he had moved back home from the west just myself and some of my friends. I guess because I knew and understood how it felt and what mental relocation meant and felt, I rooted for him.

He started a mini business that even the indigenes will not do because they deem it too low for social status, and here he was, back home, starting from the bottom all over again.

I patronised sometimes just as a way of support, not because I needed to spend. It’s not like I have it to spend anyway.

Anyways, Diary, in the last few weeks, the road and gutter construction works started in our area and his kiosks, fell right in the middle of the construction zone, which meant that his structure will be pulled down.

As much as I am happy for the road contraction, because God knows we need it, but Diary dearest, I was sad.  Take note that I don’t even know his name. I wave every morning and evening to work and after work.  I wished him well each time. I asked God to increase him, but knew nothing about him.

So, when my husband came home and in a conversation shared the news of his relocation to better, bigger and nicer place, OMG I screamed and jumped and clapped for Jesus. I was genuinely happy for the guy and he had no idea and never will.

Dear diary, after my happy dance, it hit me, hmm, someone is always rooting for you, never forget. You may not know them, they may be anonymous, but someone is always rooting for you so don’t stop, keep going. You never know the joy your progress brings to someone.

Next day on my way to work, I honked and waved extra hard and he laughed and waved back, probably wondering what this crazy lady was up to today, but unknowne to him, this crazy lady is his anonymous rooter, and his increase, increases my smile because I know where we came from. (Wogbe jeke).

Later diary.  Stay blessed and remember This is Africa


Social Media Self Induced Stress

Social Media Self Induced Stress

Dear diary, as if the amount of stress that we endure is not enough, here we go adding more to it ourselves.

There is a Ghanaian folk law song, by Nana Kwame Ampedu, I think, I am not too sure as it’s an old song.  that tells a story about the Osebor (Tiger), that went to Mecca, and upon his return, announced that it was now a vegetarian, and no longer a carnivore.  However, if he is resting peacefully in his home, minding his business and any animal comes to test him, he has no choice but to eat that creature.

What I understand by that song is, trouble does not come looking for anyone, we humans, go looking for trouble.

The worse thing that we are doing to ourselves is creating problems where there is none, or when we can turn a blind eye or overlook it.

Uncontrolled thinking / thoughts are directly perpendicular to self-induced stress.

When people react to hearsays, or things posted on social media by others and directly attribute it to themselves, it is the beginning of a regurgitation process of all other possible issues that may have existed or not or assumed to have existed or still existing, chewing it like a ruminate and causing stress to oneself.

Diary dear, remember this stress is self-induced because no one asked us to go looking for information. Sometimes if we don’t start something, there will be nothing.

Eiiii Africa. Diary dear, we are so emotional! Trying to help others sort out their self-induced stress is now self-inducing my stress. Lol!